

We would like to welcome Camelot Holiday Park to our WiFi system family.


4G super fast WiFi in your caravan..

We offer caravan aerial installation and can now install and supply super diopter 4G cellular antennas.

Keep it simple… We provide the hardware so that you can use your sim card to provide high-speed Internet. This means that you can subscribe at £20 per month for unlimited data. You can also subscribe to our IPTV 1-month plan to watch unlimited channels in Europe.

Our services: Caravan Sites & Pubs

caravan aerial installation

Once installed you can stream TV, surf the Web and keep the kids happy !!

Give us a call. We will explain the process…


Sharing Internet & reducing landlord costs

With Sharing Internet installation 1 Internet connection can be shared out to 6 additional properties.

This landlord is saving the subscription payments from 5 other houses.

We install systems like this all over the North West and South Cumbria.

Holiday lets, student accommodation, caravan parks – we can distribute your WiFi through your fields, farms, hotels, parks, and venues.

Up to 450MPS wireless connection between sites…

Call us to arrange a survey or click here to send us a message.


Covid 19 – update

Customer Notice Covid 19 – UPDATE

Our engineers and office staff are well and taking all necessary precautions during these uncertain times. Our office is now being remotely operated. We are continuing to carry out all works provided that customers/ourselves are well and not showing/reporting any signs of this dreaded Covid 19 Virus.

People will be relying more on their home entertainment and WiFi over the coming weeks and we can assist if we are fit & well, you are well and us being able to operate within Government guidelines.

If anyone is self-isolating due to possible Covid-19 contact/contract please DO NOT arrange a service visit from us until your quarantine period is over.

Please do make us aware if you have been in quarantine due to contact/contract of Covid-19 or have been abroad in the past 14 days

Those over 70 years of age, vunerable, NHS and Key Support workers will be given priority


WiFi Services.

We are now an authorised Hikvision partner. We have passed all the exams etc.. We just didn’t tell anybody. CCTV system and security systems.

Unifi networks….. we are qualified as an enterprise systems manager. Basically…. wiFi smarty pants.

High speed, high density with coverage throughout your house or throughout your industrial units and offices.

If you are a landlord… we can share 1 internet connection to several of your properties. As an example… we have a client that has 6 houses. All rented out to students. We have connected them all together and he saves over £3600 per year.. in internet subscriptions alone.

We can do this for you.

We still can’t work out why 50 houses on a street have 50 subscriptions….? 1 house and share… everyone’s a winner….!!